Needle's Eye, Wentworth, South Yorkshire
Apollo Pavilion, Peterlee, County Durham
White Nancy, Bollington, Cheshire
Broadway Tower, Broadway, Worcestershire
Peterson's Folly, Sway, Hampshire
The Dunmore
Pineapple, Airth, Scotland
folly (ˈfɒlɪ)
— n , pl –lies
1.the state or
quality of being foolish; stupidity; rashness
2.a foolish action,
mistake, idea, etc
3. a building in the
form of a castle, temple, etc, built to satisfy a fancy or conceit, often of an
eccentric kind
4.(plural) theatre an elaborately costumed
5. archaic
a. evil; wickedness
b. lewdness;
[from Old French folie madness, from fou mad; see
Definition from Collins English Dictionary- Complete
and Unabridged © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003